Philosophical and ethical seminars of Parmenides Academy


Currently a deep uncertainty about the economic practice of corporate governance, the financial institutions, but also in politics gains ground. Additionally there is a severe trend towards a moralization of economic decisions. Practices that were at the most rated under legal aspects a few years ago, are today subject of intense public discussions that have direct and indirect repercussions on the image of a company and its success.

From a philosophical perspective a change of paradigms can be observed: from a paradigm of individual optimization controlled by incentive systems that implement quantitative criteria for application to a complex stakeholder review. The evaluation criteria, therefore, become more confusing, their internal assessment more difficult and the close connection between ethics and economics has become obvious.

A process of rethinking seems to have already started: it is about the constitution of the company’s identity on the basis of values and practices that correspond to these value systems. The intrinsic motivation of employees of a company must be taken seriously. However, without an integration of economics and ethics, a coherence of practical reasons, the intrinsic motivation towards productive and performance-oriented involvement cannot develop.

The usual MBA programs and the corporate socialization of employees are not or only insufficiently geared to these issues.

But not only in relation to economic practice there is an increasing demand for orientation in society, the willingness for and the growing interest in ethical and philosophical reflection on our practice at work and in private. Our range of seminars also addresses this additional philosophical-ethical.


Seminar – Workshop – Consultation- Dialogue

The seminars of the Academy offer both introductions to clarify key fundamental concepts of practical philosophy, especially of economic ethics, but also advanced discussion of criteria of appropriate decision-making in different conflict situations.

For all seminars participants are prepared in advance and supported afterwards. The lecturer prepares on the basis of your objectives: What problem should be considered? What is your motivation? The follow-up includes specific recommended reading suggestions, assistance during reading, as well as support with the implementation into practice.

The seminars are designed as philosophical counseling for one person (dialogue) or for a group of 3 to max. 15 people.

  • Economics and Ethics: After integration of ethical and economic criteria, or – from a philosophical perspective – the complex unity of rationality and morality has to be conceptually clarified and accounted for in its practical implications. The aim is to integrate economics and ethics in a balanced way so that both aspects receive their due attention. At the center of this model of business ethics is a conception of practical reason that on the one hand focuses on the integrity of the person (rules and virtues) and on the other hand still connects to economic practice. Subsequently an ethical thinking is mediated in these seminars which represents an attractive alternative to the constantly optimizing homo oeconomicus.
  • Financial Ethics: Of particular interest is the fiscal practice and its far-reaching and complex ethical challenges. The world economic crisis since 2007 has been triggered not only by institutional weaknesses, but also by a transition to autonomization of economic optimization. The manifestations of those undesirable developments have not really been corrected until today, not least because of the fact that the ethical dimension is considered only insufficiently.
  • Ethical Conditions for Successful Leadership: How can management responsibility be exerted sustainably and trustworthily, and which ethical conditions for successful leadership exist? There is strong evidence that a sustainable practice of responsible leadership is usually economically more successful than short-term and often ruthless self-optimization.
  • Philosophical Art of Living: The rich literature of antiquity, which was buried by an abridging instrumental thinking in modern times, is to be exposed again and made fruitful for a deeper understanding of the art of living.
  • From Plato to Kant: Philosophical Impetus for Practice: The classics offer a variety of suggestions for a sensible and meaningful form of professional and non-professional practice.
  • Dialogue with Julian Nida-Rümelin: one person seminar with thematical design on individual basis